//the midterm//
it was...
...well, it just was.
but on a brighter note,
<excitement> i finished my vid for junior design! </excitement>
heck. yes.
it still never ceases to amaze me how a minute
/yes, 60 seconds folks/
equates to about 36 hours of real life work.
in betweenst 36ish hours of AfterEffecting, i think i got about
oh....90 minutes of sleep?
does that really constitute sleep?
or is that, in context with the 36ish hours, resemble more of a nap?
yes, i agree.
nap it is.
now...is it egotistic to post my own work on a blog about
OTHER work that inspires me?
can not my own work inspire me?
eghghhg...so maybe that wasn't perfect english,
but you get the point.
just this once eh?
but without further...ehhhhh....ummmm,
i forget the phrase...
here it is: i hope it works
why yes attentive reader,
of course i have permission from everyone in the universe
to use whatever i used in the making of this video. but what say we keep this video between you and me
whats that? well, mr. benjamin here says different...
and i other exciting news...
how 'bout them Artistes Nouveau?
/i dont know if thats how you say it, but it makes sense if you read it LOUD/
so yea, my boy Jules Cheret and the Cherettes.
/and THATS an awesome name for a band...LOGGED/
now theres a man, that was onto something.
having about 80% percent of the poster call attention
to a beautiful woman and the rest call the reader to the type.
reminds me of this here ....
credit to those who deserve it.
not MINE!
i havent the faintest clue where these are from.
they were just on my Seagate,
i must have seen then and like them i guess.
these are the modern CHERETTES!!!
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